With almost a whole year of caravan travel opportunities ahead of you, now is the perfect time to make some 2025 resolutions that could boost your skills, tick off some bucket list destinations and make you overall a better and safer caravanner.
We’re kickstarting the new year with some great ideas, resolutions or bucket list items to inspire you to make 2025 your best caravanning year yet.
Improve your caravan setup: Sustainability, technology and storage
Upgrade your power system
Going off-grid — even when you’re not travelling remotely — has become increasingly popular among caravanners. Many modern vans are designed with all the bells and whistles to keep you off-grid for extended stays, but if you find yourself struggling or simply want to boost your range, consider adding a larger solar panel array (portable panels or blankets are great options), swapping your traditional AGM battery to lithium for longer-lasting power, and/or installing a high-quality inverter for more efficient energy use and so you can run 240V appliances away from mains power. And if you want to go the whole nine yards, revamp your van to go gasless.
This article is a great place to start: Prepare to go off-grid: A guide to power management
Portable solar panels can boost your off-grid power capacity
Adding to your comms devices
Having reliable ways to keep in contact with family, friends, other drivers on the road and emergency services is essential when travelling in Australia, no matter how far on or off the beaten track you roam.
Starlink has been a gamechanger since it hit Aussie shores back in 2021, and now there’s also a Starlink Mini option for travellers that is portable and can fit in a backpack. Starlink has opened up a whole new kind of travelling, and it’s now much easier to work on the road or simply send your snaps home to inspire some travel envy. With more caravanners on the road with these devices, there are plenty of tips and tricks available for the best ways to use them, methods of fitting the dish and so on.
UHF radios are an essential item for all caravanners, so if you don’t have one yet, now is the perfect time to add one to your setup. And don’t just add it — learn how to use it as well. There are plenty of radio options on the market. We’ve got some great GME packs around the office which came with both handheld and fixed mount options, so you can enjoy hands-free/easy access communication while driving and the wireless option for around camp.
Use radios to communicate with others on the road (Image John Mack)
If you aren’t familiar with using a radio, then a little practice should take the fear away. A UHF radio is a valuable tool for communicating with fellow road users, especially trucks you encounter that you want to get past or who want to overtake. If you have a friend with a radio, try some test calls. Hold the microphone at an angle to your mouth, press the send button and talk. Out on the highway, call up a following truck by identifying yourself with something like “I’m the Jayco van in front of you travelling north. Let me know when you want to come past, and we will back off.” You will usually get a grateful reply, but don’t be too disappointed if there’s no response.
Once the truck pulls out beside you, back off slightly so they can get past safely.
Caravans, camper trailers and the like use channel 18 to communicate when in convoy, and if you want to speak with a truck on the road then use channel 40.
Channels 9, 12–17, 19–21, 24–28, 30, 39, 49–60, 64–70, 79 and 80 are for general chat. Ken Wilson’s Truck Friendly website is a fantastic source of UHF knowledge.
Make your van more self-sufficient
Power isn’t the only important factor when it comes to getting your van off-grid ready. Water capacity/availability and your toilet are two of the other main considerations.
Adding more water storage to your van might be the way to go, and this can be a fairly simple process. Just remember that more water equals more weight, and whatever you add is going to eat into your payload. And depending on where the extra water storage is placed, may impact weight distribution.
National parks and some campgrounds will require a grey water tank though, so if you don’t have one yet and want to expand your camping options then this might be worth considering. And if sacrificing a freshwater tank for a grey seems outlandish, there are plenty of portable options you can buy.
An alternative to adding water storage is upgrading your water filtration systems so that you can top up your tanks from more options as you travel. The B.E.S.T. Water Filter, BioMagic and Thirsty Nomad systems are popular options and fit easily to your existing water hoses to provide clean and safe drinking water.
A water filter is a good investment
Cassette toilets are one of the other major factors that can shorten your stay off-grid, as they will require emptying, which requires a dump point which is not always easily accessible when camping remotely. Depending on how many people you’re travelling with, an additional cassette might do the trick. But if you want to avoid the hassle, then upgrading to a composting toilet is a great way to make your van more self-sufficient for the new year. Composting toilets don’t require water, so they won’t eat into your supply, and when emptying is required, solids can be disposed of in a regular rubbish bin or buried in a biodegradable bag, while liquids can be disposed of somewhere in the bush well away from all campsites or down a regular toilet. There are plenty of options on the market — Caravan World deputy editor Allison Watt walked us through the process of permanently installing a Cuddy composting loo into her van and it’s a fairly simple DIY project.
A composting toilet will save precious water in remote locations
Learn new skills: Enhance your caravanning and towing abilities
Take towing/driving courses
If you’re not the primary driver but want to get behind the wheel more often, then a towing course is a great bucket-list item for 2025. And these courses aren’t only for newcomers — those who have towing experience can find them very helpful to brush up on some techniques and ways to stay safe for extra peace of mind when travelling.
Take a towing course
Not all courses are just standard on-road towing skills either. There are offroad-oriented towing courses available, or if you’ve got the towing skills down pat, you could try out a 4WD offroad towing course. These courses (towing and unladen) can be great for learning how to deal with different terrains, such as sand, which might open up a whole new area of Australia to explore in the new year.
Learn basic caravan maintenance and DIY
Having the skills to perform basic repairs and maintenance on your van can save you a lot of time, money and worry when travelling, and can also help keep your van in good nick so it lasts longer as well. And it’s best to learn these skills before you’re on the road.
Some areas to focus on including learning how to change a wheel, how to repair a tyre, how to check and replace your caravan brakes, how to replace a trailer plug or trouble shoot caravan lights. Many of the projects will require some basic tools and spare parts, which should go into your travel toolbox.
Check out our DIY columns in the mag and online for some ideas — but always remember to work responsibly and seek professional assistance if required.
Bush cooking and campfire skills
Travel back in time to the days before induction cooktops, full ovens and microwaves were the norm in caravans and add some good old fashioned bush cooking skills to your repertoire.
Learn how to cook over the campfire using a hot plate, invest in a camp oven, portable smoker or a foldable barbecue grill. There are plenty of methods out there, and sometimes all you need is a bit of foil and a hot bed of coals to plate up a delicious campfire meal. For a bit of extra flavour, look out for smoked wood blocks (Jealous Devil has a great range).
Learn (or re-learn) how to cook over an open fire
A bonus of campfire cooking is that it’s a good way of saving power around camp, especially if you’ve gone gasless. And it can be a fun way to cook some local cuisine using fresh produce as well.
Just remember to always check fire restrictions in the area before lighting a campfire and the rules about gathering firewood (some locations will require you to bring your own).
De-clutter your caravan
Another great 2025 resolution is to give your caravan and tow vehicle a thorough decluttering. Do you really need all that cutlery on board? Is it time to ditch some of those old condiments? You’d be amazed how much stuff finds its way on board and outlives its shelf life, particularly if you’re only travelling a couple of times a year.
Here are some other things to keep an eye on:
- Is the spare diesel in the jerry can still OK?
- Are the wheel bearings and suspension due for a re-grease?
- Check the hitch and tyres. How old are they? How old is your spare?
- Check your tool kit — you don’t need three 12mm spanners or four hammers.
- Check the seals around the van — are they all still in good shape or is a DIY project in order?
And don’t forget to check your gear either and see what needs replacing or what you could upgrade for a better and safer campsite.
Iconic trips and challenging destinations
Australia is full of bucket-list worthy road trips and remote destinations that can be tricky to reach. While some may be easier to achieve than others, a bit of planning and preparation is always required.
One thing to remember is that while some of these iconic trips are remote, they’re not exactly the road less travelled anymore and you might have to accept that likeminded travellers will be on the road with you. But perhaps making friends on the road is another resolution you could tick off along the way?
Australia is full of iconic caravanning routes
And don’t forget to check the weather forecast and best time of year to attempt them — factor in the wet and dry seasons.
The Gibb River Road, WA
Conquer one of Australia’s most famous offroad adventures; the Gibb stretches through the Kimberley region of WA and features river crossings, plenty of corrugations and some epic landscapes.
The Outback Way, Qld–WA
Stretching from Winton in Queensland to Western Australia’s Laverton, this route is known as ‘Australia’s longest shortcut’. If you’re wanting plenty of outback and access to the stunning Red Centre and its many popular spots, then this is the route for you.
The Aussie outback has never been more popular with caravanners
The Savannah Way, WA–Qld
This is another iconic multi-state/territory route, linking Broome in Western Australia and Cairns in Queensland. You might see brochures saying it can be done in six days, but don’t kid yourself. Allow around 20 days so that you’re not rushed and can detour to see some of the sights in the Northern Territory, like Darwin and Katherine (or even longer if you want to head into Arnhem Land — just get your permits ahead of time).
Cape York, Qld
A trip to the Tip is another iconic caravanning adventure. Cape York is the northernmost point of mainland Australia and getting a snap with the sign is a must-do for all visitors. The trip up there requires a fair bit of planning, especially if you’re hoping to take your van the whole way. But if you make the effort, you can enjoy stunning sights and scenery along the way — just be prepared to take it slow and steady.
Making it to the Tip, Qld (Image Allison Watt)
Some other great (and more accessible) options
We could easily fill these pages talking about great caravan road trip ideas, but if you’re after some more accessible routes then consider:
- East coast adventure, Vic–Qld: Many caravanners make the dash up north to reach the Tip but don’t stop to smell the roses along the way. The east coast is sprinkled with lovely coastal towns and villages, national parks and more great beaches than you can shake a stick at.
- Darling River Run, NSW: Follow the winding Baaka-Darling River and explore some of outback New South Wales most beautiful landscapes, national parks and towns. Check out the Darling River Run website (thedarlingriverrun.com.au) for a map, town info and where to stay along the way.
- Eyre Peninsula, SA: Start your journey in Kimba (one of the ‘halfway across Australia’ points), check out the town’s beautiful silo art and the Big Galah before delving down into the beauty that is the Eyre Peninsula. It’s a beachside paradise with plenty of wildlife encounters, swimming and the gorgeous Coffin Bay and Lincoln national parks (some sections will require a 4WD and offroad caravan).
Unique caravan experiences to achieve
We can get so focused on the destination that we forget there are other ways to travel or experiences we haven’t had. Here are some options that could shake up your travel style in 2025.
- Solo travelling: Hitting the road on your own might be daunting, but it can open up a whole world of unique experiences you might have otherwise missed and give you a chance to learn new skills or do certain tasks that your partner normally handles.
- First-time beach camping or sand driving: Get some sand under your tyres and enjoy a night camped on the beach or among the sand dunes. Sand driving can require certain skills and essential items like recovery gear, so make sure you’re prepared before you go.
- Cultural appreciation: Plan a trip where you can see and appreciate Australia’s cultural heritage and ancient landscapes. Head into the Red Centre, Arnhem Land or perhaps as far as the Tiwi Islands (your van won’t be able to follow you all the way there), and experience breathtaking art, landscapes and local wildlife.
- Work or volunteer as you travel: Travel doesn’t have to be all R&R either. Research what working opportunities you could take on as you explore. Farm stays can be a popular one and depending on your travel style there are usually short- and long-term options — it may just require a bit of pre-planning. Check out Grey Nomads Jobs and see what might suit your travel style. Or if money isn’t a motivator, it's the perfect opportunity to consider volunteering. Last year we featured Frontier Services, Australia’s oldest bush charity that organises both big volunteering groups for specific events for towns as well as year-round volunteering. It can be a great way to gain unique insight into a certain area of Australia that you might have otherwise missed and get to know locals while you’re at it.
Artist Manuel Pamkal at Top Didj Art Gallery, Lansdowne NT (Image Julia D’Orazio)
So, what first?
There are so many great caravanning opportunities and travel bucket list ideas to enjoy in 2025, and we’ve only scratched the surface. Thankfully, a fair few of these ideas have decent cross-over, meaning you could tick off a few resolutions in one trip. And if you check out our upcoming feature about festivals and events happening in 2025, then you'll find some of the best locations to add to your 2025 plans as well. Happy travels!
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