Fuel Test for Towing and Touring
No matter where you travel, what you drive, or what you tow, fuel is a big part of the expense of your trek. And, of course, the further you travel, the more you spend on fuel. It’s not a once-only or fixed cost, like insurance, registration and the cost of the vehicle and rig behind it.
That’s why people in pubs, campgrounds and caravan parks all over the country, will inevitably discuss juice. What do you run? How much do you use? How does it perform? Wotsitcostya?
So here at Caravan World we decided to organise a comprehensive real-world comparison of petrol, diesel and LPG. By testing and collating the fuel-use figures for comparison, aimed to answer the often-discussed questions: What do you run? How much do you use? How does it perform? And what does it cost?
The Caravan World Verdict
Most people who have been around cars, towing and travelling for a while won’t be surprised that the diesel Hilux’s fuel use was the most economical in all three situations. But what of actual running costs? During our consumption test, petrol was 156.9cpl, diesel 161.9cpl, and LPG 92.9cpl. Without doing the sums it’s easy to see that diesel’s similar bowser price but more frugal burn means it’s the pick of the pair… but by how much? And is LPG a viable alternative to diesel for overall low running costs? Watch the video above and Glen Torrens will reveal all!
Check out the full fuel duel in issue #527 of Caravan World magazine, out now. Why not subscribe today for all the latest caravan news, reviews and travel inspiration.